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If you're struggling with your website conversions, you need this how-to guide
First impressions are critical. Your audience takes a massive dive after 8 seconds. So like a Bond movie, you need a big "all-action" opening scene. Don't be afraid to immediately call your audience to action (otherwise, it might be too late).
The sales process involves multiple interactions and touchpoints. So it's better to think of your website as one piece of a sales funnel — composed of ads (and retargeting ads), landing pages, blog posts, emails, and social media posts. And therefore — remarketing is critical.
If you're not able to re-connect with your visitors once they leave your website — via both email and retargeting ads — you're throwing away 98% of your leads!
So in this guide, I want to show you 5 ways to convert every website visitor into a remarketing lead actively.
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