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Click-Through Rate Calculator

Use our free tool to calculate CTR (click-through rate) for your ad campaigns.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is click-through rate?

    Click-through rate (CTR) quantifies how many people click on a link or advertisement. CTR is a key performance indicator (KPI) and it's often used to measure a digital marketing campaigns' success.CTR can also apply when measuring the efficacy of email marketing and digital ads.In online advertisements, such as Google Adwords and Facebook advertising, a higher CTR will result in a better Quality Score or Relevance Score. That can help you save on cost-per-click rates while garnering more favorable ad positioning.However, beware that a high CTR doesn't always imply that your ads or emails are effective. If your ads lack targeting, the click-throughs they generate could cost you a lot and yield low returns for your digital marketing campaigns.Instead, you should aim to achieve high CTR and greater conversions, which will prove that your campaigns offer value and relevance for your audience.A marketing campaign having a low click-through rate isn't going to yield the return on investment (ROI) you might expect.Only when your prospects click-through an ad are they able to continue through your marketing funnel.A low click-through rate typically suggests that something is wrong, and unless it's fixed, your campaigns won't garner as many leads or as much revenue as is needed to be successful.

  • How do you calculate click-through rates?

    A campaign's click-through rate is a ratio of the number of people who clicked through a link to visit a web page relative to the number of people who viewed the campaign.In theory, the more click-throughs you have, the better targeted your campaigns are, and the better they address your prospects' needs.Of course, just because someone follows a link to a landing page, doesn't guarantee they'll browse or buy on site — a prospect could click through and rapidly bounce from the page. Hence why you shouldn't use this KPI alone to measure the efficacy of your campaigns.The greater the CTR number, the more successful your ads, emails, or whatever other digital promotion for which you measure CTR will be as a result.
    Click-Through Rate FormulaBefore we begin to break down the average click-through rate — so that you can assess how your campaigns perform against the national averages — it's essential to learn how to calculate CTR.To do so, we'll use a simple formula.Click-Through Rate = Number of Click-Throughs / Number of Impressions x 100%With respect to email, instead of impressions, use the number of tracked messages delivered. Otherwise, the CTR calculation remains unchanged.For instance, if your ad campaign generates 10,000 impressions and 230 click-throughs, your formula will look like this:CTR = (230 / 10,000) x 100% = 2.3%Is that CTR good or bad? Let's explore it further.

  • What is a good click-through rate?

    Now that you know how to assess click-through rates, you're probably wondering how your campaigns stack up.
    For paid digital ads, the average Adwords click-through rate is 1.91% on search results and 0.35% on display ads, according to Wordstream.
    Facebook Ad CTRs range from 0.5% to 1.6%.
    Regarding email click-through rates, Mailchimp reports that email CTRs vary widely by industry. For example, restaurants exhibit an average CTR of 1.25% as compared to the hobbies niche with an average CTR of 5.13%.

  • What does the click-through rate tell you?

    Click-through rates can help digital marketers assess the efficacy of a variety of online marketing campaigns. You can use it with various mediums, such as display advertisements, email advertising, and paid search.You can also apply it to measure the effectiveness of advertising copy, titles, and descriptions that make up the metadata of online content. Since most websites aim to compel users to take action, click-through rates can help digital marketers learn what works and what doesn't.Such monitoring does not give advertisers insight into the intent of an individual who clicks on an online ad or piece of content. However, it remains a standard metric because of its convenience.
    Click-Through Rates in Email Marketing You can calculate click-through rates for emails in much the same way. However, you would consider the percentage of times an email recipient clicks on one or more links in an email to the sender's website or other destination. In other words, it's the total number of clicks an email has garnered for its sender. Email marketers can combine click-through rates with open rates, bounce rates, and other measurements to calculate their campaigns' effectiveness.

  • What's the difference between click-through rate and conversion rate?

    A high click-through rate means that many users are clicking on an ad. However, it doesn't provide insight into the number of sales an ad generates. Therefore, conversion rate — the percentage of click-throughs that lead to actual sales — is often considered a more relevant measure of an ad campaign's performance.
    Whereas your conversion rate calculates how much you spend on cost per lead and how much you earn in ROI, your click-through rate is a litmus test of your campaign's overall performance.

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